Swimming Pool
Our swimming pool is 15x7m with a daily temperature of 31 degrees. This makes it the warmest pool in Halton, so ideal for babies right through to senior swimmers
Beechwood Babies and Beechwood Swimming Lessons are pre-booked sessions and must be arranged in advance with our Swim School on 01928 565014 or by email to swimschool@beechwoodcentre.co.uk
Please check our Facebook page for any late changes to the timetable.
Changing Rooms
Types of Swim Sessions
Adult Only Swim
This is an adult only swim session.
Maximum of 16 swimmers per session and is first come first served.
Weekend Swim Bubble
These are sold online, via the website, https://beechwoodcentre.co.uk/events-activities/
The family bubbles are now up to 8 people in the group using half the pool, these are available on a Saturday.
Weekend General Swim
Weekend General Swims are sold on a first come first served basis and payable at reception.
Each swimmer (including babies) will be required to have a ticket, each session is £4.75 per adult and £2.95 for children.
Weekday General Swim & Adult & Child Sessions
These are sold on a first come first served basis and payable at reception
Sessions will be £4.95 a session, equipment will be provided, maximum of 16 swimmers at this time. Payment must be made at time of booking, this has to be booked on line via https://beechwoodcentre.co.uk/events-activities/
Pool Prices
Please note the price changes for Swim Sessions from 3rd April 2023. Unfortunately, under the current circumstances, there are no concessions for any age groups at the moment.

Prebooked Weekend Swim Bubble (Online)



